Contact Us

Important points

  1. Even if you have requested a reply, please note that depending on the content, we may be unable to reply or it may take some time to reply. Please be aware of this in advance.
    * We check and respond to inquiries during business hours on weekdays. Please note that inquiries received after hours will be handled on the next business day.
  2. We are unable to respond to inquiries regarding content or works that have not been announced on our official website.
  3. We are unable to respond to inquiries regarding tickets (details on purchasing methods, membership registration, loss of winning emails, ticketing methods, etc.).
    We apologize for the inconvenience, but please contact the individual ticket agency where you applied (or planned to apply).
  4. If your mobile phone is set to block or decline emails, please either change the settings so that you can receive emails from the following domain or contact us via PC.

    If you have not received a reply email, it may have been automatically sorted to your junk folder or trash box, so please check there.

  5. The content of any replies sent by us are intended for individual customers only.
    Reprinting, secondary use, or forwarding of our reply, whether in whole or in part, to any third party is strictly prohibited.
  6. Please confirm and understand the points outlined above before making an inquiry.
    Please refrain from distributing only the inquiry form URL on social media, etc.

Privacy policy

We comply with the Personal Information Protection Act, as well as other laws and the guidelines established by the Personal Information Protection Commission, and in consideration of the importance of personal information of our customers (including shareholders. The same applies below.), we are committed to protecting personal information and to the proper handling and management of personal information that we acquire from customers, based on the policy laid forth below. The definitions of terms in this Privacy Policy are based on the terms used in Japan’s Personal Information Protection Act.

1. Acquisition of personal information
We will acquire your personal information by legal and fair means, clearly stating the purpose of use in advance.

2. Use of personal information
Any personal information that we acquire and manage will be used within the scope necessary to achieve the following purposes, and will be used for no other purpose except with the consent of the individual or when permitted by law.


(1) Purposes of use of customer personal information
1) Responding to customer inquiries
2) Lotteries and selection for various campaigns, sending prizes to winners

3. Provision of personal information to third parties
We will not provide personal information to third parties without the prior consent of the individual, except where justifiable reasons exist, such as when permitted by the Personal Information Protection Act or other laws and regulations.

4. Management of personal information
We will keep personal information accurate and up-to-date to the extent necessary to achieve its purpose of use, and will make efforts to delete personal information without delay when its use is no longer necessary. In addition, we will take appropriate security measures against computer viruses and illegal access for the personal information that we handle, and take necessary and sufficient safety measures against the leakage, loss, destruction, falsification, etc. of personal information. We will also thoroughly educate all our employees about the proper handling of customer personal information.

5. Notification of purpose of use, disclosure/correction/addition/suspension/deletion of personal information, etc.

(1) When a customer requests notification about the purpose of use of personal information that we hold about that customer, we will promptly notify the customer of this purpose, except in the following cases.
1 When the purpose of use of the customer’s personal information is obvious
2 When there is any risk of harm to the life, physical health, property, or other rights and interests of the customer or a third party
3 When there is any risk of harming our rights or legitimate interests
4 When it is necessary to cooperate with a national agency or local authority in carrying out duties as stipulated by laws and regulations, and there is a risk of hindering the performance of these duties
(2) When a customer requests disclosure of personal information that we hold about that customer, we will promptly notify the customer of this, following our prescribed procedures, except in the following cases.
1 When there is any risk of harm to the life, physical health, property, or other rights and interests of the customer or a third party
2 When there is a risk of significantly hindering the proper performance of our business
3 When to do so would violate the law
(3) When the customer requests any correction, addition, or deletion of the personal information that we hold about that customer, we will investigate the matter without delay and respond appropriately based on the outcome.
(4) When a customer requests any suspension or erasure of the personal information we hold about that customer, once grounds for this request are clearly shown to exist, we will promptly take appropriate measures.
(5) We accept requests based on these provisions and requests to stop sending or delivering mail or email via the following means. Please note that we may be unable to respond to requests that are not received by the following means.
1. Contact method & contact point
Please contact us at the designated contact point, using the method prescribed by us, of which you have been notified in advance.
2. Confirmation of identity
In order to confirm that the inquiry is coming from the individual in question, we will confirm your identity using identification documents such as a driver’s license, passport, health insurance card, or personal seal certificate.

6. Protection of personal information on other sites
We take no responsibility for the protection of your personal information, etc. on other websites linked to our website.

7. About cookies
We may use cookies to make it easier to offer services more conveniently to customers who visit our site. When you visit our site again, the cookie will recognize your computer and you will be able to receive services more conveniently.
(1) Functions of cookies
A cookie is a small piece of information that a web server sends to your browser for more efficient Internet operations, which may be stored as a file on your hard drive.
Using cookies enables web servers to record which pages you visit, etc.
The use of cookies allows us to identify the computer you are using, but we cannot identify you individually until you enter your personal information on our website.
(The cookie itself does not contain any information that could be used to identify you personally)
In addition, we may publish aggregated information obtained by statistically processing the information obtained through the use of cookies, but this does not include any information that could identify individual customers.
(2) Purposes of use of cookies
We use cookies to improve and explore better services and provide you with a pleasant environment for using the services of our website. We do not use cookies for any other purpose.
Our advertising is delivered on various Internet sites by third-party distributors.
Third-party distributors may use cookies to deliver advertising based on the information that you have visited our site in the past.
(3) Declining cookies (opt out)
You can decline (opt out of) cookies with a simple operation.
By opting out, you will be able to prevent information about you from being associated with particular browsers.
This allows you to opt out of our cookies that deliver advertising without deleting or changing other cookies associated with the browser you are using.
If you do not require cookies from us, please set your individual browser to decline cookies.

8. Improvement measures
Always striving for improvement, we endeavor to respond appropriately to the needs of our customers regarding the handling of personal information, advances in IT technology, and other changes in the social environment, and we undertake review of various regulations such as this Privacy Policy in a timely and appropriate manner as necessary.

Click here to submit inquiries or complaints in regard to personal information.
* For the type of inquiry, please contact us by selecting “D: Other inquiries”.

Agreement on the handling of personal information in Inquiries

The content of your inquiry will be used as a reference to improve our business in the future.
However, please note that we cannot promise to answer or reply to all of your comments and requests.